

JOB INTERVIEW  Definition of job interviews Job interview is a meeting between the company and prospective employees. The company will ask a number of things to find out if the candidate is fit to be their employee. In Indonesian, job interview means job interview. Not only for companies, job interviews are also beneficial for candidates. Here, candidates can see if the job offered meets their expectations regarding benefits. Job interviews are held by the Human Resource Department (HRD) and users who are in direct contact with the candidate. Job Interview Sections A job interview usually consists of the following stages, as The Head Hunters explains.  Opening The opening section consists of introducing the interviewer and the candidate. Greet and welcome – Greetings Explain the purpose of the interview – The purpose of the interview Explain the structure of the interview – Part of the interview  Main Questions In the core section, candidates are given job-related questio...


Intermezzo.. Hai temen-temen,ini blog kedua ku walaupun masi berhubungan sama tugas bahasa inggris tapi aku harap kalian semua tetep enjoy buat baca blog ku. Kalau ada waktu luang pasti aku bakal tulis hal lain tentang keseharian ku,pengalaman,dan lain lain deh,segitu aja ya temen-temen happy reading! intermezzo selesai.. APPLICATION LETTER DEFINITION                   A letter of application, also known as a cover letter, is a document sent with your resume to provide additional information on your skills and experience.                   A letter of application typically provides detailed information on why are you are qualified for the job you are applying for. Effective application letters explain the reasons for your interest in the specific organization and identify your most relevant skills or experiences.                  Your application letter ...

Scary Thing From Prakrin?

Hai hai hai,selamat datang di blog aku Wan Anastasia di sini kalian bisa bersinggah untuk membaca beberapa tulisan yang aku tulis untuk share pengalaman dan cerita menarik lainnya. Sebelum baca blog mau kenalan sama authornya dulu ga nih? hehe kenalin nama aku Diana Intan C. atau bisa dipanggil Anas biar lebih pendek,segitu aja ya perkenalan sama authornya langsung aja enjoy your reading all! Intermezzo.. oiya temen-temen ini blog pertama yang aku tulis disini yeayyy! tapi tenang aja meskipun ini blog pertama,aku bakal sering sering upload blog baru lainnya kok kalau ada penulisan kata yang salah temen-temen bisa tolong bantu koreksi di kolom komentar ya,terimakasih intermezzo selesai.. Kata orang prakrin itu serem emang bener? humm jadi penasaran kira-kira prakrin itu beneran serem seperti yang orang-orang bilag ga sih? Nah kali ini aku mau share pengalaman prakrin anak smk nih temen-temen. Biar ga penasaran yuk langsung aja baca blog aku sekarang! Introdution      ...